Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Illusions on Pictures: Test yourself

Double Picture IllusionLook carefully at this picture, what do you see?
After you make your decision, scroll down for an explanation.

You saw a couple in an intimate love position, right?
Interestingly, research has shown that young children cannot identify the intimate couple because they do not have prior memory associated with such a scenario.
What they will see, however, is nine (small & black) dolphins in the picture!
So, I guess we've already proven you're not a young innocent child. Now, if it's hard for you to find the dolphins within 6 seconds, your mind is SO corrupted that you probably need help!
OK, here's help: look at the space between her right arm and her head, the tail is on her neck, follow it up. Look at her left hip, follow the shaded part down, it's another one, and on his shoulder..

Try and count the black dots in the picture above. There actually aren't any black dots at all!

Look the picture above.... Are two circles rotate?

Concentrate on the four dots in the middle of the picture for about 30 seconds. Then close your eyes and tilt your head back. Keep them closed, and you will see a circle of light with Jesus in it!

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